It’s me again Margaret

I’m forever trying to get my blog to stay up. It’s really hard to keep a device charged in Slab City. Or to keep a device for that matter. If you get a new one you run into googles bullshit prove youre you with a phone you don’t have bullshit.

So I think I’m finally able to get into the old accounts but in the meantime I added more, that I’ve since lost track of. I paid for a year somewhere to make sure it would stay up, but for some reason there’s constant hacking attempts on it, so I’m considering just going back to this.

My inability to focus or organize aside…I’m fine. Still in the slabs. Still dealing with all the deprivation and craziness that entails. I am gonna do better blogging, somewhere, and am thankfully 2 faithful readers are still here. (You are right?)

Anyways at some point the blog will be part of the site, not the feature. That is over here if you want to check it out-

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